Pettengill Farm
         Pictures from the
    Freeport Historical Society
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Frank L. Pettengill (1869-1960) working the fields at Pettengill Farm in Freeport using horses, ca. 1920.

Pettengill farm, barns and outbuildings as seen ca. 1920. The nineteenth century salt-water farm is located on the estuary of the Harraseeket River in Freeport.

Walter M. Pettengill (1847-1925) proudly stands next to twin calves at the Pettengill Farm in Freeport in about 1920.

Frank Lester Pettengill (1879-1960) cutting blocks of ice with an ice saw at the Pettengill farm in Freeport, ca. 1920.

Trixie was one of the many farm dogs raised by Frank and Mildred Pettengill on their saltwater farm in Freeport. The photo was taken about 1920.

Frank L. Pettengill (1879-1960) standing in his potato patch on the Pettengill farm in Freeport, ca. 1920. Many food crops were raised on this farm.

Frank Lester Pettengill (1879-1960) and his horse stand in front of the barn and chicken coop on the Pettengill farm in Freeport, ca. 1920.

Young boy wearing a short sailor suit and holding a chicken at the Pettengill farm in Freeport, ca. 1920.

One of many of the farm animals raised by the Pettengill family on their Freeport farm, ca. 1920.

Wallace Martin Pettengill (1847-1925) driving his horse-drawn sleigh at Pettengill Farm in Freeport, ca. 1920.

Wallace M. Pettengill (1847-1925) shoveling deep winter snow with the Pettengill saltbox home in view, ca. 1920.

Mildred G. Pettengill (far left, back row) and her friends pause from a day of berry picking to have their photograph taken at the Pettengill farm, Freeport, ca. 1920.

Family portrait of Mildred Gerry Pettengill (1882-1981), Ethel E. Pettengill (1873-1896) and Frank L. Pettengill (1879-1960) in Freeport, ca. 1890.

Woman and girl with a clamrake at low tide on the Harraseeket River near the Pettengill farm, Freeport, ca. 1920.

View of Grant's Point at Pettengill farm, ca. 1920. Grant's Point is bounded by Mill Stream and Carter's Creek (Kelsey Brook).

Portrait photograph of Wallace Martin Pettengill (1847-1925) and his wife, Adelaide Romaine Gerry Pettengill (1849-1893) of Freeport, ca. 1890.

The Pettengill farm was originally built around 1810, located on the Harraseeket River in Freeport. This image shows the farmhouse as it appeared in 1920.

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Photo courtesy of Freeport Historical Society.

Photo courtesy of Freeport Historical Society.