Songbird Farm
     Sassafras Stomp Music
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How fortuitous that Johanna and Adam met in Maine six years ago.  They each bring a great deal of knowledge and experience to the partnership.  Their love for farming is equally matched by their love for music.  In the off-season, they travel throughout the country playing the fiddle and guitar as the duo Sassafras Stomp.  Their music is high-energy and as described on their Sassafras Stomp website, it “builds a rich, dynamic contradance sound marked by driving foot percussion and sweet harmony vocals.”  Their winter/early spring concert schedule that is posted on their Sassafras Stomp website illustrates the popular following that has developed for their music throughout the country.  At some performances, Putnam Smith, a mandolin and banjo player, joins in to help out with the contradances and the Appalachian old-time music that is performed.

Click on the above photo to be connected to one of their youtube videos.